Dear Parents
Please allow us the opportunity to thank each of you for the admirable manner in which you have been dealing with the extraordinary and uncertain times we find ourselves in.
We are certain that you may possibly have many questions, that at this stage, will unfortunately have to go unanswered, but we trust that time will reveal solutions to some of these questions and concerns.
The aim of this document is to provide guidelines and shed light on the way forward. Take note however, that the content is not set in stone and can or may change at any given time as the school is subject to regulations as required by the Department of Education.
The re-opening of school for Grade 12 learners is currently set for Monday, the 1st of June 2020.
At this stage academic work is posted on Google Drive weekly, this initiative will continue, even when the school systematically re-opens for the other grades.
· Should your child/children display any of the Covid-19 virus symptoms, you are required to immediately notify the school and keep your children at home.
· It is advisable that your child/children make use of own transport as opposed to public transport to limit the risk of exposure to the virus.
· You are responsible to impress and explain the importance of social distancing to your child/ren and encourage them to adhere to and apply this requirement at school. Learners are to keep the distance of 1.5 m between themselves and other learners/members of staff.
· Under no circumstances may learners share food, stationery or any other item/s.
· It will be expected of your child to arrive at school wearing his/her mask and to do so until they go home. Please ensure that you have sanitised their hands before they enter the school grounds.
· You are advised to please fetch your child from school directly after the close of school – this is to ensure their own safety.
· The school will be sanitised on a regular basis, especially high risk areas such as the stairs, toilets and handles of doors.
Procedure for school-day
To make the dropping-off of learners easier, Gate 4 is the only zone in which learners will be allowed to be dropped-off and fetched from. The gates will have numbers on display – Gate 4 is the gate which leads to the swimming pool.
The gate will be opened at 07:00. The measuring of learner’s temperatures will be conducted from 07:00 to 07:30 at Mr Krause’s classroom.
Temperatures will be measured daily and records will be kept.
Parents must please be available or have made arrangements to fetch a child or children, if the child’s temperature exceeds the suggested degrees. Please know that the set guidelines as per government will be followed.
Covid-19 related questionnaire will be filled in upon return on the first day. The wearing of masks will be controlled and hands will be sanitised upon arrival at school.
Teachers will supervise the learners during change-overs, when they move from one class to the next.
On the first day back, the rooms which will be used will be communicated to learners. This will be done to ensure that the limit of learners per class is adhered to and that the required 1.5 m between people can be kept.
Hands will be sanitised throughout the day.
The school officially closes at 13:30 every day. Please ensure that your child knows who will be there to fetch them and that he/she is fetched on time.
Extra classes and venues will be communicated throughout the course of the first week of school.
School fees
As parents we know that you are very well aware of the uncertainty brought about and the financial constraints South Africans face. We urge you to please continue your support and continue to pay the monthly fees.
Please take note that no parent will be allowed to enter the school grounds without a prior arrangement. Access will only be granted for the payment of fees. When doing so, please make use of Gate 3 (the main entrance in Mac Street), proceed directly to enquiries where all Covid-19 requirements will be applied.
A big thank you to every parent who has been paying their monthly fees, this is greatly appreciated.
Should you wish to make a payment online, please do so using the following account details:
ACCOUNT NUMBER.: 1170390276 ACCOUNT NUMBER.: 4052298956 BRANCH CODE: 334544 BRANCH CODE: 334544
The members of staff of Piet Retief High School will attempt to do everything possible to ensure the safety of your child and staff. Please rest assured that all of the required steps willl have been taken when your child arrives back at school.
Principal and Management
Geagte Ouer

Ons wil begin deur elke ouer te bedank vir die rustigheid waarmee u die moeilike en onsekere tye hanteer. Ons besef daar is baie vrae wat nie huidiglik beantwoord kan word nie en slegs tyd sal leer. Daar is egter ‘n paar dinge wat ons onder u aandag wil bring.
Dit is belangrik om te onthou dat hierdie dokument enige tyd aangepas en verander kan word, aangesien die skool onderhewig is aan die gesag van die Departement van Onderwys. Huidiglik open die skool vir Gr.12-leerders op Maandag, 1 Junie 2020.
U as ouer is heel moontlik bewus daarvan dat skoolwerk weekliks op Google Drive geplaas word. Die inisiatief sal voortgaan vir alle grade, alhoewel die skool stelselmatig heropen.
· Indien u kind enige simptome van Covid-19 toon, moet u asseblief die skool dadelik in kennis stel. Leerlinge met enige Covid 19-simptome moet asseblief tuis bly.
· Maak sover moontlik gebruik van eie vervoer vir u kind, van en na die skool.
· Verduidelik asseblief aan u kind die belangrikheid van sosiale distansiëring en moedig hom/haar ook aan om dit ten alle tye by die skool te handhaaf. ‘n Afstand van 1.5 m moet tussen leerders gehandhaaf word.
· Leerders moet onder geen omstandighede kos, skryfbehoeftes of enige ander item deel nie.
· Maak asseblief seker dat u en u kind ‘n masker dra wanneer u hom/haar by die skool aflaai. Maak ook seker dat sy/haar hande deeglik gesaniteer is.
· Maak seker dat u u kind direk na skool oplaai, om sodoende sy/haar veiligheid te verseker.
· Die skool sal op gereelde grondslag gesaniteer word, veral hoë risiko-areas bv. trappe, badkamers en deurhandvatsels.
Hek 4 (die hek by die swembad) is die enigste aflaai- en oplaaisone vir leerders. Neem asseblief kennis dat die hekke duidelik genommer sal wees.
Hierdie hek sal om 07:00 open. Temperatuurmeting sal vanaf 07:00 tot 07:30 by Mnr Krause se klas geskied.
Ouers moet asseblief beskikbaar wees of die nodige reëlings in plek hê indien die skool u versoek om u kind/kinders op te laai weens ‘n hoë koors. Let asseblief daarop dat al die nodige riglyne volgends die Departement gevolg sal word.
Leerders se koors sal daagliks geneem word. Covid 19-verwante vraelys sal op die eerste dag ingevul word, hande sal gesaniteer word en die dra van maskers sal gekontroleer word.
Leerders sal onder streng toesig van die personeel na klasse beweeg.
Die leerders sal op die eerste dag in kennis gestel word van watter lokale gebruik sal word om vakke in aan te bied om sodoende te voldoen aan die sosiale afstandregulasies.
Leerders se hande sal voortdurend gesaniteer word.
Die skool sal om 13:30 sluit. U moet asseblief seker maak dat u kind se vervoerreëlings in plek is en dat hy/sy betyds by die skool gehaal word.
Reëlings vir ekstraklasse sal gedurende die eerste week gereël word.
Ons moet in hierdie uitdagende tye baie op u, as ouer, se samewerking staatmaak. Hiermee doen ons ‘n beroep op u om nogsteeds te hou by u maandelikse skoolfondsverpligtinge.
Geen ouer sal op die terrrein toegelaat word sonder ‘n vooraf gereëlde afspraak nie, behalwe in die geval van skoolfondsbetaling. Ouers mag slegs van hek 3 (hoofingang) gebruik maak en moet direk na die navraekantoor gaan waar alle Covid19-regulasies toegepas sal word.
Baie dankie aan elke ouer wat nogsteeds ten volle betaal - dit word waardeer.
Inbetalings kan elektronies na die volgende rekeninge gedoen word:
REKENINGNR.: 1170390276 REKENINGNR.: 4052298956 TAKKODE: 334544 TAKKODE: 334544
Ons, by Hoërskool Piet Retief, doen alles in ons vermoë om die skool ‘n veilige hawe vir u kind te maak. U as ouer kan gerus wees dat al die nodige maatreëls in plek sal wees voordat u kind die skoolterrein betree.
Hoof & Bestuur