There will be 2 bells in the morning.
The first bell will ring at 07:20. All gates will then be locked. A learner outside the gates, is considered late and will only be allowed to enter through the main gate if accompanied by a parent/ guardian. The learner and parent/ guardian must report to Enquiries where his/her name will be taken down. Should a learner be late three times, he/she is punished with a detention.
A second bell rings at 07:22. Learners must be assembled orderly on the quad at this time, so the RCL and EC can complete the attendance register.
MONDAYS and the first day that school re-opens
Learners gather for assembly alphabetically according to their register classes.
When the bell rings at 07:30, there must be order and the RCL, together with the Executive Council member, must take register immediately.
Learners enter the hall in an orderly, swift manner and in rows.
The Executive Council is responsible for maintaining order.
Each council member is accompanied by the grade to which he/she is assigned.
Learners keep quiet and stand when the principal and staff enter, so scripture reading can take place in a peaceful atmosphere.
07:22 Second bell rings.
All learners must already be assembled alphabetically and in their respective classes in the quad.
Learners stand in an orderly fashion. The RCL together with the EC take register.
Assembly is opened with scripture and prayer.
On Fridays no learner is allowed to stand around outside the class during register period.
Learners may only leave after completion of the announcements, prayer and ringing of the bell, at 13:30.
Classes are expected to be absolutely quiet during the announcements and prayer. If there is chaos the whole class will be kept back until the culprits have been identified. In such a case, the school will not be responsible for any transport difficulties of learners.

During the year, rules and regulations may be adjusted or changed by the management of the school or the governing body. These changes may be necessitated by aspects not known at the time of printing this rule book, or aspects that may have changed after the printing there-of. Despite the printed rules and regulations, final discretion regarding the application, interpretation and adjustment of the rules, lie with the school management team or the governing body