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Dear Gr. 8 Parent

Thank you for your support of the past 2 weeks. We are excited to film the last part of the “concert” this afternoon.

Please take note of the following:

  • · Gr8- Learners must be back at school at 14:15, 25 Feb in their Pietie Clothes. They will finish at 16:00. (They are doing the recording of the mass dance item as well as learning the school anthem)

  • · Gr8-Learners must wear their HPR blazer on Monday, 1 March 2021. On Monday learners must place their bags at their first period’s class then move up to the pavilion. They will only wear their blazers on Monday because they will be inducted into the school. After Monday, they will first have to pass the rule test before being allowed to wear the blazer again.

  • · The school will host a virtual information session / evening so that you can get to know your child’s educators an also be informed of what is expected of you as a parent.

We request that queries regarding School-related issues, can be addressed by using the website’s contact form or sending an email to or contact the office.

Kind Regards


Beste Gr.8. ouer

Baie dankie vir u samewerking gedurende die laaste twee weke. Ons is opgewonde om vanmiddag die laaste deel van die “konsert” te verfilm.

Neem asseblief kennis van die volgende:

  • · Graad 8-leerders moet Donderdag 25 Februarie 2021 om 14:15 terug wees by die skool wees in hulle Pietie-drag. Hulle sal teen 16:00 klaar wees. (hulle gaan ‘n massadansopname doen sowel as die skoollied leer sing)

  • · Graad 8 leerders moet Maandag, 1 Maart 2021, met hulle Skoolbaadjie skool toe kom. Leerders moet sodra hulle by die skool arriveer, hulle tasse by die eerste periode se klas neersit en dadelik opbeweeg pawiljoen toe. LET WEL: Gr 8-leerders mag slegs Maandag hulle skoolbaadjies dra omdat hulle onthef gaan word. Daarna moet hulle eers die reëltoets slaag alvorens hulle toegelaat gaan word om dit weer te dra.

  • · Die skool sal volgende week ‘n virtuele inligtingsaand publiseer, sodat u meer kan uitvind van u kind se onderwysers en ook wat van u as ouer verwag word.

Ons doen ook ‘n beroep u om indien u enige navrae het rondom skoolverwante sake, gebruik te maak van die webwerf se kontakvorm, of om ‘n e-pos te stuur aan of die kantoor te skakel.

Dankie vir u ondersteuning in die bogenoemde verband.

Vriendelike groete.

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