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Die skool se bestuurspan het dit goedgedink om die leerders Dinsdag 9 Februarie 2021 die geleentheid te gee om hulle skrifte by die skool te kom haal.

Leerders ontvang 'n standaard pak skrifte maar die moontlikheid bestaan dat die ouer enkele skrifte sal moet aankoop.

Die idee hier agter is om die leerders die geleentheid te gee om hulle boeke oor te trek voor die skool op 15 Februarie 2021 begin.


Gr 8 - 9 kan hulle skrifte tussen 08:00 & 09:00 by kamer 43 gaan haal. (Gebruik die hek 4 en daar sal aanwysings wees vir die nuwe leerders) Alle COVID-19 regulasies moet nagekom word.

Gr 10 - 12 kan hulle skrifte tussen 09:00 & 10:00 in kamer 43 gaan haal. Alle COVID-19 regulasies moet nagekom word.

Alle Gr 10 - 12 Leerders wat vakveranderings wil maak kan dit ook Dinsdag by Mnr. Krause in kamer 47 doen.

Laai die skrifte bladsy met aanwysings hier af en trek dan die skrifte dienooreenkomstig oor.

Alle grade keer op 15 Januarie 2021 terug skool toe . Die Skool se bestuurspan, en alle personeel in samewerking met die beheerliggaam het reeds in 2020 alle nodige maatreëls in plek om dit moontlik te maak om 2021 met so min as moontlik onderbrekings te begin.

Ons onderwysers het alreeds ingeskakel rn vergaderings gehou met die Departement van Onderwys, en kan ons bevestig dat ons gereed is om leerders ten volle toe te rus op akademiese gebied.


The school's management team would like to to give the learners the opportunity to come and collect their scripts at school on Tuesday, 9 February 2021.

Learners receive a standard pack of scripts and the possibility arises that parents will have to purchase scripts in addition.

The idea behind this is to give the learners the opportunity to cover their books before the school starts on 15 February 2021. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE LEARNERS WHO CANNOT FETCH IT ON TUESDAY WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO COLLECT IT AS SOON AS THE SCHOOL OPENS.

Gr 8 - 9 can collect their scripts between 08:00 & 09:00 at room 43. (Use the gate 4 and there will be directions for the new learners) All COVID-19 regulations must be adhered to.

Gr 10 - 12 can collect their scripts between 09:00 & 10:00 in room 43. All COVID-19 regulations must be adhered to.

All the Gr 10 - 12 learners who wants to change subjects can do it on Tuesday in Mr Krause's class room 47.

Download the scripts page here, and then cover the scripts accordingly.

All grades return to school on 15 January 2021. The School's management team, and all staff in collaboration with the governing body have already put in place all necessary measures in 2020 to make it possible to start 2021 with as few interruptions as possible.

Our teachers have already attended meetings held by the Department of Education and can confirm that we are ready to fully equip learners in the academic field.

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