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Written by: Wandile Nkonyane

Saturday 3rd of March, Piet Retief High School played against Ferrum High School at the Piet Retief grounds. Hockey, netball and rugby teams played their first game of the Puk 16. Matches started at 8am, both schools gave it their all from the moment of running onto the pitch shaking hands with their opponents. In classrooms chess brought mates together and set them on a journey to check their skills and tricks. On the netball court possession of the ball was wrestled for by all means from jumps to runs. Every player did all they could to get the ball to the far ends of the court and loop it into the nets. On the hockey fields from dribbling to drawing opponents to all four corners of the field, players did their utmost to have the ball clash into the net. On the rugby pitch, rugby was redefined from a contact sport to a “collision” sport with every player using all the electrolytes they could get their hands on to shock their opponents. The day ended with few injuries, none serious. With ice packs and ointments the wounded warriors will heal and get back to fighting for the glory and pride of our school. Special thanks to both schools for their cooperation and commitment.

Stats of Saturday

: Geskryf deur Mièke Vd Walt


o/14A: Wen 40 – 0. Die kaptein Duan Momberg kry ‘n geelkaart, maar die onder-kaptein Zander Coetzee hou die span positief. Dubane Zungu was die voorspeler van die wedstryd en Zander Coetzee die agterspeler van die dag!

o/15A: Wen 15- 3. Hulle het die wedstryd op die verdediging begin, maar nadat die eerste drie deur die Kaptein Deacon Pretorius gedruk, was hulle omkeerbaar.

o/16A: Wen 55-0. Hierdie span het met ‘n briljante nuwe wedstrydplan op die veld gedraf. Kaptein Leon du Toit nommer 2 was dit oor die algemeen ‘n mooi wedstryd.

Tweede Span: Wen 34-0. Kaptein Muzi Msibi en sy spelers wen die wedstryd oortuigend. Spangees is baie sterk onder hierdie manne!

Eerste span Verloor 20-12. Twee pragtige drieë word gedruk deur Alexander Smith en Rian Fourie. Armand Coetzee behaal sukses met een moeilike doelskop. Sphe the captain, is not dishearted at all: “I’m only going to say – expect the unexpected!”


o/14A Wen 1-0: Die juniors toon belowende spel en wen ‘n moeilike wedstryd Die kapteine Monique Lombaard wens Nonja Khoza geluk met ‘n fantastiese doel. Speler van die wedstryd: Lenè Geyer

o/15A Verloor 2-0: Span sien wel uit na die res van die seisoen. Die kapteine , Jenske de Villiers meen dat beter afronding in die sirkel sal die bal aan die rol sit. Speler van die wedstryd Zelda Kusel

o/16A: Wen 4-1. Die onder-kapteine Rize Brits is opgewonde oor die wentelling. Afrigter Alicia Giles se motivering en ondersteuning is baie werd! Speler van die wedstryd Thobile Nhleko

Tweede span: Wen 4-1 Kapteine Karien Du Toit is meer as tevrede met hierdie wen. Hierdie span is ‘n span om dop te hou. Speler van die wedstryd kapteine Karien Du Toit

Eesrste span verloor 4-0. Die kapteine, Zunéldi Labuschagne se leuse is “uithou sonder ophou”. Hierdie splinternuwe eerste span toon baie potensiaal en alles dui daarop dat hul van krag tot krag sal gaan. Speler van die wedstryd Simphiwe Mnisis

Seuns o/15A Verloor 4-0. Met ‘n hou op die regterwang, het die kaptein Rudolph J.v.Vuuren beslis een vir die span gevat! Hul verloor ongelukkig, maar is hy trots op hoe hierdie groep nuwelinge hul staal gewys het. No Pain, No Gain! Speler van die wedstryd Sikelela

Seuns Eerste span hokkie: Verloor 3-0 Joshua Kritzinger, Captain of the team, is realistic about the team’s lack in cohesiveness as they are a new team. With a little more practice ahead of them, he feels positive about a great season. The loss will not bring them down. They honoured the goalkeeper Kerwin Du Pont with the man of the match title.


0/14A’s Wen 15-9. Kapteine Anzél Kuhn is baie trots op hulle. Thabisile Mashabane verdien die speler van die wedstryd titel oortuigend!

o/14B verloor 9-15

0/15A’s Wen 14-7.Angel Dlamini, the captain confirms a well-deserved win. Creydt receives the well-deserved player of the match title!

0/15B Verloor 14-22

o/16A’s Wen 23-7 – Wernandi Swanepoel vier die wen. Aphile Zulu verdien dan ook die speler van die wedstryd titel met haar uitmuntende spel.

o/16B verloor 7-8

Tweedes Verloor 11-20: Eldah Chanza explains that after a great start-off by High School Piet Retief, the opponents had a comeback in the second half. The team’s motto “Teamwork makes the dream work”. Aphiwe Mahlobo was the player of the match.

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