Vrydag- Nuus

Die Departement van Onderwys het te kenne gegee dat slegs Graad 11 leerders op Maandag, 6 Julie, toegelaat sal word om terug te keer na skool.
Tans word daar nog gewag op verdere datums en kennisgewings met betrekking tot wanneer die Gr 10 leerlinge sal mag terugkeer. Sodra enige kommunikasie in die verband ontvang word, sal dit aan u weergegee word.
Intussen kan daar berig word dat die Graad 12’s baie goed vorder en dat hulle verseker gereed gaan wees om hul eksamens suskesvol af te lê.
Neem asseblief kennis dat daar Maandag netheidsinspeksie vir Graad 12 leerders gaan wees. Seuns moet asb om 07:30 voor Mnr Bouwer se kantoor aantree & Dogters voor Kamer 43 bymekaarkom.
Reëlings tov die terugkeer na skool:
Hek 1 sal deur GR 11 gebruik word, ‘screening’ gebeur tussen die Saal en administratiewe gebou.
Sodra die klok om 07:30 lui, moet alle Graad 11 leerders in die vierkant bymekaarkom.
Bewyse (vouchers) vir die Hotspot is beskikbaar by die kantoor vir die leerlinge wat nog nie met die lockdown werk op datum is nie. Enige toestel mag NA skool gebruik word om die verlangde werk van Google Dive af te laai.
Let asseblief daarop dat netheid ook volgens skoolreëls gekontroleer sal word.
Leerders wat 'n dringende behoefte het om vakke te verander sal slegs Maandag 6 Julie 2020 die geleentheid kry om dit te doen.
Indien ‘n leerder enige COVID-19 simptome toon, of in aanraking gekom het met iemand wat positief getoets het, MOET die skool dadelik in kennis gestel word.
Die skool behou ook die reg voor om van ouers te versoek om die betrokke leerder vir COVID-19 toetse te stuur op die ouers se onkoste.
Please take note that the Department of Education has advised that only Grade 11 learners will be permitted to make their return to school on Monday, the 6th of July.
No set date has been communicated and news is awaited. As soon as the school has received the relevant information and planned dates, you will be notified immediately.
In the meantime it is our pleasure to report that the Grade 12’s are doing splendidly and that they have settled in really well. They are well prepared for the exams they are still to write this year.
GRADE 12’s
Please take note that an appearance inspection is scheduled for Monday.
The boys must please line-up in front of Mr Bouwer’s office at 07:30. Girls are to assemble in front of Room 43.
GRADE 11’s
A couple of rules and procedures upon your arrival Monday:
GR 11 will make use of Gate 1. Screening is set to take place between the Hall and Office building.
When the bell rings at 07:30, all Grade 11’s must assemble in the quad.
Vouchers to use at the school’s Hotspot is available from the office. This is to catch up work that might have been missed during the lockdown, to ensure that all work is up to date. Any device may be used to download work from Google Classroom, but ONLY after school.
Please be advised that all rules regarding the neatness of learners’ as contained in the School Rules apply.
There will be the opportunity to change subjects on Monday 6 July 2020 ONLY
Should any learner display any COVID-19 symptoms, or have been in contact with someone who has tested positive, the school MUST be informed without delay.
The school reserves the right to request parents to have said learner tested for COVID-19. Parents have to send the learner at own cost.