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19 Oktober 2021

Geagte Ouer/Voog


Hiermee word u vriendelik uitgenooi om u kind se prysuitdeling op Donderdag,

21 Oktober 2021 om 17.30 in die skoolsaal by te woon. Baie geluk met u kind se prestasie!

As gevolg vaan Covid 19-maatreëls kan elke gesin wat die prysuitdeling wil bywoon twee kaartjies ontvang. Kaartjies sal aan elke leerder gegee word gedurende skooltyd Donderdag. Die leerders kom in klaskamers bymekaar en wag daar tot hulle pryse uitgedeel word. Ouers word versoek om ter wille van ordelikheid te bly sit tot na die afloop van die prysuitdeling.

Die leerders moet reeds om 17.15 in die volgende klaskamers bymekaarkom:

Gr.8: Kamer 60 (Mev. A. van Rensburg)

Gr.9: Kamer 2 (Mev. I. Botha)

Gr.10: Kamers 43 en 44 (Mnr. A. Schlebusch en mev. S. Lamprecht)

Gr.11: Kamers 37 en 45 (Mev. A. Earle en mev. V. Fouche)

Gr. 12 Kamers 31 en 32 (Mev. H. Bouwer en mnr. G. Abrahams)

Enige navrae kan aan mev. Louret van Rooyen of die skool gerig word.

Die uwe

Mr. S.E. Bouwer


Mev. L. van Rooyen ORGANISEERDER


19 October 2021

Dear Parent/Guardian


You are cordially invited to attend your child’s prize-giving to be held on Thursday, 21 October 2021 at 17.30 in the school hall. Congratulations with your child’s achievement!

Due to Covid-19 regulations, each family that wish to attend the function may only receive two tickets. Learners will receive these tickets on Thursday during the school day. The learners are assembling in class rooms and will wait there until their prizes are awarded. To ensure an orderly procedure, parents are requested to remain seated until the conclusion of the prize-giving.

The learners must please already be assembled at 17: 15 in the following class rooms:

Gr.8: Room 60 (Mrs. A. van Rensburg)

Gr.9: Room 2 (Mrs. I. Botha)

Gr.10: Rooms 43 and 44 (Mr. A. Schlebusch and Mrs. S. Lamprecht)

Gr.11: Rooms 37 and 45 (Ms. A. Earle and Mrs. V. Fouche)

Gr. 12 Rooms 31 and 32 (Mrs. H. Bouwer and Mr. G. Abrahams)

Any enquiries can be addressed to Mrs Louret van Rooyen or the school.

Mr. S.E. Bouwer PRINCIPAL Mrs. L. van Rooyen ORGANISER

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